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Blackwood Clinic History

In the mid-1950s Dr Wickham Shepherd moved from Hawker to establish a part-time solo general practice in the Adelaide Hills village of Blackwood. Dr Bill Parry bought Dr Shepard’s practice in May 1964 with consulting rooms located in the historic “Blackwood House” at 10 Coromandel Parade.

This building was destined to be demolished as part of the development of Woolworths, as Blackwood’s first supermarket, and the Magnet shopping centre complex. Thus in 1966 Dr Parry built his new consulting rooms at 23 Coromadel Parade, at which time he registered his practice as “The Blackwood Clinic”. Dr Orrietta Wicks joined the practice in 1966, Dr Peter Mitchell in August 1967 and Dr Ralph Dutton in September 1968 when Dr Wicks departed. With the rapid development of the greater Blackwood area in the 1970’s, over the next 10 years to 1979 the Blackwood clinic welcomed Drs Peter Kirk, Tony Page, Greg Rodgers, Bob Riessen and Dr Chris Magarey. Dr Parry resigned in 1972 to study dermatology. The consulting rooms were enlarged substantially on two occasions-in the mid 1970’s and early 1990’s. Dr Noni Ferguson became the first full time female partner in 1985.

Since the establishment of “The Blackwood Clinic” 60 years ago, more than 30 doctors have practiced in the clinic, either as partners or associates, plus many registrars-in-training.

Children's Health

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Travel Advice and Vaccinations

Whether for business or pleasure, your travels will always be more enjoyable in ...


Womens Health

We are able to provide advice and management of a wide range of Women’s health i...



We offer same day appointments for existing patients with urgent matters. Blackw...
